Project Timeline
Phase 1: Discovery
Review the existing park plan and recent projects, evaluate park use, and gather input on future directions
Resident input opportunities:
- Verdunity Site Visit
- Survey #1
Phase 2: Idea Exploration
Based on input received in Phase 1, explore options for what could be implemented in the District’s parks and identify priority directions.
Resident input opportunities:
- Survey #2
Phase 3: Develop the Plan
Prepare a first draft of the plan, which will include an implementation plan and concept graphic for Anderson Mill West Park. Draft documents will be available for public comment and review.
Resident input opportunities:
- Comment on draft documents
Phase 4: Adopt and Implement
Board adoption of the plan and planning for a kick-off event or project to celebrate the next 5 years of District parks.
Resident input opportunities:
- Get involved in implementation!
We are excited to announce that the WTC MUD 1 board of directors voted to adopt the districts 5-Year Park Plan on August 17th, 2022.
Below you can access both documents that summarize the adopted park plan:
Park Plan Advisory Committee Members:
Megan Dudo, Board of Directors
Beth Jones, Board of Directors
Jana Ramirez: Secretary
Emilee Blackburn
Gerald Burgess
Julie Potts
Carrol Norrell
Past Input Opportunities
Background Data
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