Hanoi Avila
Term: Nov 2026
Hanoi Avila has lived in the district for approximately 12 years with his wife and three children. Avila is passionate about governance within our democratic institutions, and that is one of the main driving forces for his unwavering commitment to serve our district and the public. He has a known track record of leadership in his community, both at the for-profit and non-profit level. Avila’s institutional leadership as former CEO of a multimillion-dollar construction company in Austin, TX, provides him with the essential skills and knowledge needed to lead and administer our district’s operations and infrastructure. Mr. Avila has also served as a board member in various nonprofits, both nationally and internationally. After serving the for-profit sector for several years, he is now working for a religious non-profit corporation in which he is currently serving as their Chief Ministry Officer. Mr. Avila holds an M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary and a bachelor’s in social work from the University of Texas at Austin with a focus on community development.
Email: havila@wtcmud1.org
Business Phone: (512) 246-0498
Mailing Address: 1000 Old Mill Road, Cedar Park, TX 78613
Beth Jones
Term: Nov 2026
Beth has been a resident for 22 years. She has raised her children in this neighborhood and truly has watched them grow into great young men from Pre school to High School. Beth has been involved with the 4th of July activities for 20 years, helped with block parties and helping create neighborhood activities over the years. Before taking the position on the MUD Board I was AMWNA President. I am here to help make all the improvements we can before we are annexed to Cedar Park. I love our Park, our new dog parks, helping improve our side walks and keeping cars in driveways to keep providing safe access to our families and children to all our three schools, parks and walking paths without having to walk on the main roads. It is important to me to keep our neighborhood a living and safe place and keep the value of our homes high.
Email: bjones@wtcmud1.org
Business Phone: (512) 246-0498
Mailing Address: 1000 Old Mill Road, Cedar Park, TX 78613
Kelley Masters
Term: Nov 2024
Kelley Masters is a longtime resident of the area, having lived in northwest Austin and Cedar Park for 29 years, 11 of those as a district resident. She has spent the past 14 years as a citizen activist advocating for the rights of home-based business owners, and since 2011 played a major role in passing three major pieces of Texas legislation for cottage food producers. She has also probably delivered more homemade cookies to the Texas State Capitol than any person in history. She and her husband have 3 children who all have graduated or will graduate from Cedar Park High School.
A lifelong passion for law and government led her to return to college in 2017 and obtain an Associate of Applied Science in Paralegal Studies degree. Prior to being appointed to the WTC MUD #1, she volunteered as a Victim’s Services Advocate with the Cedar Park Police Department and also served two years as a Commissioner on the board of Williamson County Emergency Services District #11. She believes that facts and fairness are integral to good governance, and hopes to use her time on the board to create a strong foundation for the District’s future.
Email: kmasters@wtcmud1.org
Business Phone: (512) 246-0498
Mailing Address: 1000 Old Mill Road, Cedar Park, TX 78613
David Flores
Term: Nov 2026
Email: dflores@wtcmud1.org
Business Phone: (512) 246-0498
Mailing Address: 1000 Old Mill Road, Cedar Park, TX 78613
Linda Fabre
TREASURER Term: Nov 2024
Linda Fabre has lived in the MUD District for over 30 years and can attest to the evolution of our neighborhood over time. She appreciates that her MUD taxes have contributed to everything we see and enjoy today, and that her investment in this community has been lifelong.
Linda retired from state government in 2009 with 25 years of service to the Texas Department of Transportation, where she worked in leadership positions directing the support and operation activities of the agency’s statewide IT infrastructure. Her work over the course of her career made her well versed in the laws that govern the spending of the public’s money, our tax dollars.
Prior to state government, Linda proudly served in the United States Air Force and took her commitment to the democratic principles she protected then seriously. This commitment is what led her to become involved in our MUD District. While in the Air Force, Linda attended Park University at night and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Psychology with minor studies in Computer Science.
Since 2017, Linda has been actively involved in the MUD’s business by attending almost every public meeting, observing how the MUD District works, looking over contracts and financial records, and studying the laws that dictate how this local government is supposed to work. This effort has prepared her to hit the ground running to make positive changes in the District with regards to transparency, fiscal responsibility, neighborhood input, and the protection of property rights.
At the core of her beliefs, Linda has stated, “We deserve a local government that is reflective of all who live here. I will make sure that every voice is given the opportunity to be heard. That is the premise of a true Democracy.”
Email: lfabre@wtcmud1.org Business Phone: (512) 246-0498 Mailing Address: 1000 Old Mill Road, Cedar Park, TX 78613