City of Cedar Park Winterization Tips:
Below you will find a link to the City of Cedar Park's website, the information in the provided link helps explain how to protect your pipes, your pets, and your plants!
City of Cedar Park Cold Weather 101
The below link provides information on how to winterize specific parts of your homes water system.
Winterization Methods for in and throughout your home.
How to operate your customer side shut off valve:
It is recommended you be familiar with operating your customer side shut off valve - this valve DOES NOT require a special tool of any sort to operate it. Upon exercising your customer side shut of valve, please verify that the water is no longer flowing through the meter into your home. If there is still water flowing through, you will need to contact a plumber to repair your customer side shut off valve.
How to shut off your customer side water valve.
24/7 Dispatch:
If you experience an emergency and your customer side shut off valve is not operational, please contact the 24/7 dispatch number below and a tech will be dispatched a the earliest time available to assist.
WTC MUD 1 Meter Box and Shut Off Valve Configuration
Below is the most prevalent meter box and shut off valve configuration within WTC MUD 1. Please note that your customer side shut off valve will most likely be located in a circular valve box (as seen in the below picture) behind the meter box, closer to your home. The customer side shut off valve will not require a special tool to exercise it, if you locate a valve that seems to need a tool, that is the district side valve, please avoid interacting with the district side valve.