Our landscaping company is still working its way through the District to collect tree limbs that fell during the storm. Here is a map showing what areas of the neighborhood have already been picked up. If your street has not yet been collected, please be patient as we work to have all streets collected over the course of the next several weeks.
If your ENTIRE street has been missed, though it is marked complete on the map attached here, please contact the district via the 'Contact Us' tab and we will gladly look into it.
This service is being offered at no additional charge to our residents. Limbs must be placed at the front of your property, but please try to avoid blocking sidewalks or placing them in the streets. Limbs do not need to be cut into small segments or bundled.
Please note, this is strictly for limbs/branches damaged during our winter storm event. Any additional items that are cut/taken down by residents/contractors hired by residents in addition to their storm damage brush pile will not be picked up by the landscaper. Please refrain from placing those additional items that you have cut down yourself or had cut down by a contractor in close proximity to your storm damage brush pile.
If you do not want to wait for your limbs to be collected by the District or need other means of getting rid of things you have cut/taken down yourself/had a contractor cut/take down for you, here are your other options:
Bulk Trash Pick Up: Our usual waste management company will collect up to 8 bags/bundles of yard waste on your usual Bulk Pick Up day, provided the material is cut to lengths of 4 feet or less and bundled or tied up. Bags and bundles should weigh less than 50 pounds each. Please note that due to the higher than usual volume of yard waste being disposed of District-wide, the collection is subject to how much room is available on the trucks.
Private haul-away: Residents can hire someone at their own expense to haul away limbs and branches.
Landfill: Residents can also transport and dispose of tree material themselves. Please visit the following page for information about the Williamson County Landfill
- Map Last Update 3/31/2021 -