Our District

Williamson-Travis Counties Municipal Utility District No. 1 (WTC MUD 1) was established in 1985 for the purposes of providing water and wastewater infrastructure and services, as well as other limited services, to residents of the District in both Williamson and Travis Counties.

WTC MUD 1 contracts with third parties and collaborates with neighboring and overlapping jurisdictions as necessary to ensure its residents receive a full range of municipal services, including trash collection, fire and police protection, deed restriction enforcement, and roadway and sidewalk maintenance. WTC MUD 1 also provides and maintains public parks and recreational amenities to serve the community and sustain a high quality of life.

Tucked between the City of Austin and the City of Cedar Park, residents of WTC MUD 1 benefit from living in one of the most sought after and fastest growing metro areas in the country. WTC MUD 1 offers a range of single-family housing sizes and options and tax rates that are significantly lower than those of both the City of Austin and Cedar Park.

WTC MUD 1 contains approximately 562 acres of land and serves approximately 1,900 homes and a limited number of commercial properties, providing for an intimate neighborhood environment.

What is a Municipal Utility District?

Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) are one type of special purpose government and taxing jurisdiction allowed under Texas law. MUDs are governed by a publicly elected Board of Directors and have the fundamental responsibility of providing water and wastewater services to residents, along with complementary services to sustain property values and support the needs of the community. MUD governments are overseen by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

To learn more about MUDs in Texas, see the following resources:

Texas Water Code, Chapter 49 https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/docs/wa/htm/wa.49.htm
Texas Water Code, Chapter 54 https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/WA/htm/WA.54.htm
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ): https://www.tceq.texas.gov/
Association of Water Board Directors (AWBD): https://awbd.org/

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