Board Meetings


Meetings of the Board of Directors are generally held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Lakeline Oaks Building, 1000 Old Mill Rd. If you cannot attend in person, meetings are also livestreamed.

View the next scheduled live stream

Agendas for Board meetings are posted the week prior to the meeting. Please see the District calendar for upcoming meeting dates and time View the calendar here.

Meeting minutes are posted to this page after they have been approved by the Board of Directors. If you are interested in the business of a meeting for which the minutes have not yet been posted, meeting videos are typically posted within a couple days of the meeting date and can be viewed below.

Meeting Participation:

All Board meetings are open to the public pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Public comment is taken at every meeting, typically at the beginning of the meeting.

If you would like to speak during the public comment period, you will be asked to sign in upon arrival. Once the meeting is brought to order, each member of the public who has signed up to speak will be invited to come to the podium to address the Board. Speaking time will be limited to three minutes per person.

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