This small pocket park is the former site of a City of Cedar Park water tower and is tucked away behind the yards of several homes in the Anderson Mill West neighborhood. The park is accessible only by a narrow access drive that runs between two residential properties and is otherwise framed on all sides by the backyards of adjacent homes.
Current Park Amenities:
- Toddler play equipment
- Circular walking path
- Gated entrance
The Future of Aster Park:
The District’s 2022 Adopted Park Plan includes the following recommendations for future improvements to Lakeline Oaks Park over the next 5 years.
- Enhanced landscaping along park entryway and painted pavement to better emphasize the park entrance.
- New play equipment for children of different ages and abilities
- Replacement of “spiky” plants with kid-friendly landscaping
- Shade structure and picnic seating area in circular center of the park