PUT ON HOLD - 2/6/2023 - Request for Proposal - Landscape Services

Jan 30, 2023

Williamson Travis Counties MUD No. 1 have released a request for proposals for district Landscape Services

The mandatory pre-bid meeting has been cancelled for the foreseeable future. We will release all new dates (pre-mid meeting, response deadline) when we are ready to.

Given the most recent storm (that we’re sure everyone has a large work load from) the district is going to put its main focus on getting the district cleaned up and back to it’s normal state prior to pursuing responses for the Landscape RFP.

I will update you all when new dates have been set.

The RFP can be found here: WTC MUD 1 - Landscape Services - RFP

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the district manager:

Makenzi Scales - makenzi.scales@inframark.com